May 30, 2019
Global News did a story on Alberta cutting the carbon tax. They called attention to a study from the International Energy Agency that found that due to low gas prices, Canadians are driving the least fuel-efficient vehicles in the world while in turn emitting the most...May 8, 2019
With the federal EV incentive now in effect, we thought it would be interesting to run some quick numbers to see what sort of environmental benefit it may have: One issue we acknowledge with the above is that the calculations...May 8, 2019
Here is some math that shows that the Alberta grid should have the capacity to charge the vast majority of cars currently on the road. Data gathered May 2nd 3:30pm 2019 Of course, the grid won’t have to charge a million EVs...
Apr 30, 2019
Volkswagen just published results of a certified life cycle assessment of the Volkswagen Golf, a model they offer as both an ICE and an EV. They found that the EV variant offers a higher CO2-saving potential in all phases of the product cycle. The Golf TDI emits 140g...