
CBC’s Airs: Ask An EV Expert

This was a pretty good and length segment that addresses many of the questions people have about the EV ownership experience. It has a few Ontario focused responses, but is well worth a watch....

EV Incentives are here!

EV Incentives are here!

Update: The ZEV program has been updated in 2022 Update: We now have a single page to consolidate Federal/Provincial/Municipal EV related incentive programs. Starting May 1 2019, the Government of Canada is offering purchase and lease incentives for eligible EV/PHEVs....

MCCAC Electric Vehicle Program

MCCAC Electric Vehicle Program

Municipalities now have access to funding through the Municipal Climate Change Action Centre (MCCAC) to introduce electric vehicles to municipal fleets. Alberta communities can save energy, costs and reduce emissions with the Electric Vehicles for Municipalities (EVM) program. Rebates are available for feasibility studies, charging stations and electric vehicles.

2018 EV Sales Numbers

Electric Mobility Canada published data for 2018. EV sales grew 125% and accounted for 2.2% of all passenger vehicle sales.