Santas Anonymous
Are you in the holiday spirit? Do you need an excuse to show off your sexy EV? How about delivering gifts in your EV while in the holiday spirit??
Come join EVAA on our yearly electric powered convoy with a mission to deliver gifts to children in our sweet sweet EVs!
For those unfamiliar with Santas Anonymous, it’s a really great way to get into the spirit of giving and an excuse to show off your ride. We encourage you all to learn about their cause here: https://www.santasanonymous.ca/about-us
How do I sign up?
Registration will open December 5th at noon. In order to get the December 14th 10AM timeslot you need to be ready to register first thing at 12 PM sharp Dec. 5th.
Make sure you sign up for Saturday the 14th @ 10am!
10 AM on Dec. 14th is our targeted delivery time, so we plan to meet in Russ Barnes Arena parking lot at 9:30 AM for a quick photo.