Father’s Day Car Show (Edmonton)
Father’s Day Car Show (Edmonton)
The annual Father’s Day Show and Shine at Celebration Church is billed as Edmonton’s largest, free family event to celebrate Father’s Day! Wander the grounds and marvel at all the lovingly maintained vehicles, from classic cars to modern and ELECTRIC from the EVAA!!
We plan to meet up at 7 AM sharp at the Boston Pizza parking across the street so we can enter the venue together and all be in the same spot. Note that once you’re there you’re there and you won’t be able to move your car until the event is over. If you can’t come until later that’s fine too, but you’ll likely be parked somewhere else.
Just wondering on Admission of car fee. We have a vehicle we would like to put in your show again this year.
Hi Monika. The cost to register is free & the event has been updated with the registration link. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Around what time will the event end that evening?
It should end about 2:30 PM, after the Awards Ceremony at 2 PM.