CGP Grey undertakes a unique roadtrip in a Model X

CGP Grey is a Youtube personality who typically makes videos explaining why/how things happen. He is not a Tesla Youtuber. He actually doesn’t typically drive (after a bad accident years ago, he avoids driving). He needed to cross the USA and was offered a Tesla...

2018 EV Sales Numbers

Electric Mobility Canada published data for 2018. EV sales grew 125% and accounted for 2.2% of all passenger vehicle sales.

Non-Profit Announcement

EVAA was the brainchild of one forward-thinking individual back in 2014. He knew EVs were the future, but also knew it wouldn’t be an easy road ahead, especially here in Alberta. Thus, a Facebook group was born. Through much hard work, EVAA gained physical form,...

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Currently, we have no upcoming events. Please check back again soon! Feel free to browse our past events. If you know of an upcoming event that EVAA could participate in, please let us know!

For Electric Cars, Focus on the Small Picture

Electric vehicles, prized for their acceleration, are speeding up. Bloomberg NEF estimates the global electric vehicle market will this week pass the milestone of 4 million sold to date, according to a report published on Thursday. Having taken about five years to get...