Annual General Meeting 2020
We are excited to announce that our very first Annual General Meeting will take place on Febuary 29th from 1-3PM.
In recognition of the fact that we are a provincial organization with a large set of members outside of the capital, we are going to host the meeting live on the internet with the opportunity for all members to participate. There will be no physical location for the meeting.
Please join our meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. albertaev/evaa-agm2020It is highly recommended that you join using the above link, as some information will be shared on screen. You do also have the dial in using your phone:
+1 (647) 497-9391
+1 (647) 497-9391
Access Code: 935-451-581
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:
During the meeting, please keep your mic muted when not speaking.
EVAA Members: Please check your email for additional information.